Category Archives: Network Security

Windows 10 Automatically Updates!

The newest rendition of Windows automatically installs updates, effectively forcing you to have the most recent version of software whether you like it or not. This move will keep all operating systems up-to-date, unlike the past when users could have systems still running on the first edition of the software. With mandatory updates, Microsoft hopes […]

The post Windows 10 Automatically Updates! appeared first on IT Services Miami | Computer repair | Telx Computers.

Why Data Encryption is Vital to Organizations

Is Your Business Data Properly Encrypted? With recent revelations showing that the personal accounts of our national leaders are just as vulnerable to compromise as anyone else, it is now more important than ever to make cybersecurity a top priority. Although it is easy to…

The post Why Data Encryption is Vital to Organizations appeared first on IT Services Miami | Computer repair | Telx Computers.